Brochures and flyers are often the first contact a potential client will have with your company. It is therefore a potent sales tool and important for a positive first impression. Furthermore, it should convey an accurate image of the company and generate the desired effect in your foreign language.
Brochures can be hard to translate due to their inherently diverse nature. A brochure condenses what your business is about whilst simultaneously making it appealing and unique. Consequently, different styles come together to transmit one general message. Part of the text on a brochure must be informative, however also interesting and catchy. It is thus important to have translators who can aptly translate more factual descriptions, whilst simultaneously being capable of producing more punchy text.
Good visual and content presentation: Significance of image brochures
As mentioned, brochures are the initial point of contact your clients will have with you. In a world where Instagram and the visual aspect of an item are given the utmost importance, it is very important that the brochure is also visually appealing. At Berlin Translate, in addition to providing high quality translations at low rates, we can also help you with the layout and aesthetics of your brochure. We have a skilful team, which is adept with Photoshop and Indesign and are more than willing to help you with the design of your product.
File Transfer
Since brochures and flyers must say a lot in a little, files can be sometimes too big due to the large amount of graphics. To help you transfer us your files we also use WeTransfer in order to facilitate the exchange of files.