Becoming A Sworn Translator
Not everyone who happens to have a particularly good command of two languages, or is even a native speaker of them, can work as a sworn translator.
The exact designation can vary across different German states – what they usually have in common, however, is the requirement for translators to have proven their particular professional skills and personal aptitude for the use of their languages in courts, government authorities and notary offices.
This is a precondition for taking the state translator’s examination. Following this, translators can be sworn in at the relevant district court.
The Berlin State Examination Office offers examinations for trained or experienced translators. After passing the exam, translators are entitled to work under the title of state-certified translator.
The certificate for the completed state examination is valid nationwide and is a prerequisite to being authorised as a translator in court.
Professional qualifications as a sworn translator
The requirements being sworn in differ from state to state, although in most cases, proof of a relevant degree is required. In some states, further examinations are carried out.
Gesetz über die Staatliche Prüfung für Übersetzer, Dolmetscher und Gebärdensprachdolmetscher– (Übersetzergesetz – ÜbDoGebG, 23rd June 2003.) –Law on the state examinations for translators, interpreters and sign language interpreters)
Services Offered
Sworn translators can look forward to a very diverse field of work. For example, they may be required to translate legal texts. Minutes of court proceedings, contracts and agreements between participating parties or documents that need to be delivered to an opposing, non-German speaking party, can also be translated directly in court.
The sworn translator is also trusted with the translation of documents into another language during the founding of a company or corporation. Further examples of their work include the preparation of certificates of no impediment to marriage, or an extract from the family register in the desired foreign language.