Nowadays, the internet has become an indispensable tool for everyone. Every day, data from all over the world is added to the net, and it is becoming more and more common to look for information on foreign websites. In order to guarantee and facilitate the comprehension of this information, a solution is needed: website translation! However, this task may prove to be more complicated than expected. This is why we are presenting to you in this article the mistakes to avoid when translating a website.
1- First mistake: the use of automatic translation software
It may be tempting to use automatic translation software when translating a website. These tools, which are quick and easy to use, are very popular for translations where you just have to quickly understand the meaning of the words. However, they prove ineffective when it comes to website translation. Because they only offer word-to-word translation, these tools struggle to transpose sentences from one language to another while retaining meaning and adapting to different cultures.
Similarly, the longer and more complex the text to translate is, the less effective automatic translation software is. Since the latter do not understand the author’s allusions and insinuations, their translations are less successful and less natural than those made by humans. In addition, these software often leave small mistakes that will be a disadvantage to you by tarnishing the image that customers will have of you.
Finally,if you choose an automatic translation software to translate your website, please note that it will not be well referenced on the internet. Indeed, it will be penalized for automated content. Therefore, it is advisable to turn to a translation agency specialized in the area of your website.
2– Second mistake: not locating the website
In order to ensure the best possible understanding of your website, you need to locate it or more simply adapt it to a region of your choice. It is no longer a simple translation from one language to another, but rather an adaptation to the dialect and the linguistic particularities specific to a chosen region. Indeed, it is important to establish a certain closeness with readers in order to give them the best possible experience on your website. They should not feel like they are reading a translation, but rather a text from their native language. For this to happen, real research on the region chosen is essential.
By locating your website, you will be able to open up to a larger market and access more business opportunities.
3- Third mistake: not adapting the SEO tool
When translating your website, make sure to have a suitable SEO tool. This will allow you to determine the keywords that will ensure the best ranking on search engines. Indeed, internet searches differ from one country to another. A simple translation of keywords in the SEO tool will not always make your website appear on the first pages of search software. So, it’s better to locate your keywords in order to adapt them to the targeted audience and to be placed at the top of the web results.
4– Fourth mistake: not translating the entire website
In many cases, websites are not fully translated. Website owners prefer to focus on the products and services they offer. Then, they ignore the blog articles, the privacy policy or the general terms and conditions of use. This is a mistake!
In order to maximize your chances in the market you are aiming for, it is best to translate the entire website. Otherwise, your potential customers will be more reticent about your website and will possibly turn to your competitors. In addition, translating your website entirely will always be an advantage for you. Indeed, by adding content, you improve your ranking on search engines.
5– Fifth mistake: not paying attention to details
When translating your website, be sure to pay close attention to details. Use universal or region-specific icons to make sure they are understood and not offensive to the targeted customers. Remember to consider details related to currencies, colors, addresses and telephone numbers. These have completely different meanings and designations in different countries and regions. Finally, remember to give as many details as possible to your translation agency. You will thus be able to benefit from the most complete and appropriate service possible.
Now you know what mistakes to avoid when translating your website, so don’t wait any longer and get started! If you liked this article, please feel free to check out our article on why you should translate your website.