When you here about Polish language, you probably won’t shiver with envy. You will more likely compare it to Russian, with all its strange symbols. However, if you train a little, you would be able to pronounce almost perfectly a few words to manage travelling in Poland.
Polish alphabet, closer to English than expected
Polish alphabet is based on the same Latin alphabet as English one. Good news for you? You won’t have to learn Cyrillic or any other strange symbols. Nevertheless, you won’t find any “q”, “x” or “v” in Polish language, (except in foreign words or names). On the other hand, you’ll encounter new letters : “ł”, “ą”, “ę”, “ś”, “ż”, “ć”, “ó”, among others.
Polish language appreciate more than anything to gather consonants and make one sound out of them, a bit like French language does it with vowels. Thus, “rz” sounds like the “s” in “leisure” and “sz” is pronounced like “sh” in “shower”. Since English language pronounces letters differently according to words, we can’t blame Polish language, right?

Familiarize yourself with Polish language and start learning it
This short introduction might, in the first place, make you worry a little. However, jump in, and you’ll see how much you can improve in a short time. To learn Polish language, many opportunities exist like smartphone applications.
You may gather information from Universities or Councils who may, sometimes, offer free classes to learn rare languages. Most of them are held in summer and may be like intensive course.
Obviously, if you are strict and diligent in your learning process, you can buy books and notebooks to learn Polish language by yourself. The coursebooks and exercise books krop po kroku and Hurra!!! Po polsku are very good ones to start.
A guidebook to handle your trip to Poland
For sure, learning Polish language is a wonderful idea. But, first, you must put into practice what you’ve learned. If you get the opportunity to visit Poland or even expatriate to this wonderful country, this little linguistic guide will challenge your skills and pronunciation of Polish language. Don’t forget: Poles roll the r but, not as much as the Spanish.
Hello : Dzień dobry /d͡ʑɛɲ ˈdɔ.brɨ/
Goodbye: Do widzenia /dɔ vʲiˈd͡zɛ.ɲa/
Thank you: Dziękuję /d͡ʑɛŋˈku.jɛ/
Please: Proszę /ˈprɔ.ʂɛ/
Sorry: Przepraszam /pʂɛˈpra.ʂam/
Right: Prawo /ˈpra.vɔ/
Left: Lewo /ˈlɛ.vɔ/
I am English: Jestem anglikiem/angielką /ˈjɛ.stɛm ˈan.ɡlʲikiɛm//anˈɡʲɛl.kɔ̃/
I don’t speak Polish: Nie mowię po polsku /ɲɛ ˈmuvjɛ pɔ ˈpɔls̪ku/
Do you speak English: Czy mówi Pan/Pani po angielsku /ʧi‘muvipan poaŋ’gɛ´lsku/
Here you go. Polish has no more secrets for you. You have the keys in your hands to become an outstanding polyglot and show off your skills.