The colour of the world and  symbolism over the world

While colours are used all across the world to express our feelings on an event or to show to other people how we feel and who we are (like the phrase “to show one’s real colours”), their meaning changes from a country to another. This is what this article will talk about, colour symbolism:

What means the “Blue” colour

As its shades are not aggressive we feel calm picking an eye on it. This is the reason why it is being used for positive impressions and concepts such as peace. Its purity has also been used by the royalty across the world, like the white colour who provides a similar use. In some countries it is even the colour of what is holy and divine as it is linked to the sky which is usually plain blue when it is not grey. It is the case in Ancient Egypt and it is even more the case in Hinduist cultures as most of its gods have blue skins. In some Arabic countries it’s even used to paint talisman in order to protect its owners.

The colour of the world and  symbolism over the world- Blue

The symbolism of the “Yellow” colour

While this colour holds both a connotation linked to illnesses and wealth, sometime even both, as terminal patient has always been illustrated as yellow skinned and one of the most precious material being gold, in other countries it holds a similar yet different tone. For instance in China this colour symbolised the royalty and was worn before by the dynasties when there were. In Polynesia all its representations and meanings refer to gods and holy aspects.

The colour of the world and  symbolism over the world- Yellow

The “Red” colour symbolism

This popular colour is particular for the several meaning it holds which is the reason why it is so popular. Sometimes it refers to blood and violence while other time it refers to love and passion and even at some specific moments it defines both. In any cases the fact that this colour is vivid make it used for many occasions such as traffic sign.

In Western culture it is used as the colour of the charm, of the seduction. Whatever if one uses it for lips or for a dress it is always linked to someone that wants to get the feeling of someone else, even for evil purposes. It also has a criminal tone with motto such as “caught red-handed”.

On the other side of the world in Asia it is seen as the colour of prosperity, wealth and joy (Red weddings in China, Red sun of Japan).

The violent aspect is seen in South Africa as it’s used in funerals.

The colour of the world and  symbolism over the world- Red

The symbolism of the “Green” colour

Green always carry a positive aspect and reputation. Despite some usages that have to do with poisons (or the green colour being forbidden in theatre in the past), this colour is used as a symbol of health, nature, luck in Ireland, paradise in Islam and other elements that hold a good vibe. One of the common examples is how it represents validation and something that is authorised like green cards to enter a country or greenlights to cross a pedestrian crossing. It is also used by any brand of organic food.

The colour of the world and  symbolism over the world- Green

What means the “Purple” colour

Like yellow or white or blue it symbolises royalty. It also has to do with magic, mystery and esotericism. At some moment of history it was linked to the royalty because it was expensive to make, sail and therefore to buy, especially in Ancient Rome.
Then we have cultures that link it to death, like in Brazil or Italy.

It is also used as the middle ground between both red and blue.

The colour of the world and  symbolism over the world- Purple

The symbolism of the “Brown” colour

It is meaning varies between people, cultures, and ages but usually it is the avatar of stability, wisdom and like autumn it represents changes, evolution, going from one state to another (even if in Autumn it represents a dead state that come before a long moment of cold and then a reborn).

The colour of the world and  symbolism over the world- Brown

The “Orange” colour symbolism

This colour is here to represent warmth, security, a comfy environment. What is cosy is usually orange and in general like yellow it is about hopes. While in west it is used as an entertaining colour for festive purposes, in the east like blue it’s linked to elements that are holy which is why Tibetan monks wear orange clothes.
An interesting fact is how the Dutch use it as a tribute to the royal family because its name is “Orange”.

The colour of the world and  symbolism over the world- Orange

The symbolism of the “White” colour

As stated previously the colour has to do with purity in Christian cultures, it is the absence of spots and stains. It also symbolises strength, youth, and energy with the effect calcium and therefore milk has on people, same regarding birth because of mothers. It symbolises equality. But it can be used to define death and sorrow with ghost wearing white dresses and Ancient Egyptians seeing it as the nothingness, oblivion, void.

The colour of the world and  symbolism over the world- White

What means the “Black” colour

Usually seen badly, it represents the opposite of white therefore occult magics and evil deeds or darkness. In many cultures the world is born from darkness so it can also be considered as a creative colour despite its flaws. In India we have an exception as it contracts with the rest of the world, being used as a protection from evil and negative spells. It is also considered as an absolute, ultimate and strong colours that define the end whatever if this end is good or bad (the highest rank in Judo is the black belt).

The colour of the world and  symbolism over the world- Black

The symbolism of the “Gray” colour

This colour is special because it is the perfect mix of both Black and White symbolising the two at the same time and so a sort of logic, a rationality, and a realism. It is neither good and positive; nor evil and bad. It defines the real world with both aspects across the world.

The colour of the world and  symbolism over the world- Grey

To conclude we can say that while some colours are seen similarity between countries, others hold a different meaning depending on where one lives.

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